

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams… This website is the publicly visible private dumping ground of Phreak, Gonzo, or whatever you want to call me today. I intend to write here about whatever it may be that my “special interest” has shifted to in the moment. Or, failing that, to turn it into a personal diary and log. A liminal space carved out for myself on a server I’ve been paying for but not using.

Structurally, and aesthetically, This site was heavily inspired by (read as “poorly templated from”) Gwern, along with the fact that I find it far more fulfilling, as well as fitting the “hacker/cyberpunk” aesthetic, to write pages and articles in vim on a tmux pane while SSHed into a server than I do in a Wordpress wysiwyg editor.

This site will be a place for me to write whatever I want about whatever I want to write about. No clue where I’m going with this, really, other than a driving urge to create a place where I can just dump thoughts, experiments, or whatever.

If you know me in meatspace, please stay in your lane and mind your manners.

This might be a bumpy ride.

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