All Gods & Demons Are We

Mirror of a post originally posted on The first blog post on the old website, from back when I thought I was going to use it more often. A generic musing on the meaning of Ijaceebo, which has been (and will likely be) repeated multiple times throughout this site.

Use it as an affirmation, use it as a statement. What does it mean? Does it mean that we each contain within ourselves both all Gods and all Demons that ever were and ever will be? Does it mean that we create all Gods and Demons? Does it mean that all Gods and Demons are us?

Ijaceebo—Ouranian Barbaric—“All Gods and Demons Are We”

I don’t know. I hope you didn’t expect an answer from me. I just know that I picked up the phrase years ago when I first came across the different Ouraninan Barbaric dictionaries online, and I kinda latched onto it.

And then, when it came time to set up a website, I thought that “Hey, wouldn’t it be clever to make the i lowercase? iJaceebo sounds like a good late-2000s tech name!”

I’ve recently wiped the whole slate clean on this website, after having hosted it mostly empty for a very long time. Who knows what will become of it, but maybe writing things down could help1.

  1. Addendum from Phreak as I move this post over: Nope, it doesn’t seem to have made a difference. This was the first post on the wordpress blog, posted 2020-03-06 … There are only 9 posts in total, with the last one being a month ago. So, no, past me— writing things down didn’t seem to help, and nothing really became of the site. As evidenced by me wiping it clean again.↩︎