A blog post from the old blog.ijaceebo.com wherein I ramble for a few paragraphs about how weird the world is as the reality of the coronavirus pandemic begins to set it.
So, 4 days after the posts made in March, my company decided to go full Quarantine for the COVID-19 pandemic, and life hasn’t been the same since. I thought my depression was bad before, well… It’s all kinda just apathy now. Last weekend was a fucker of a time, but I’ve been climbing back out slowly and steadily, so that’s all that matters. I was actually going to come here and post about that, but something in DigitalOcean absolutely hosed the mysql server, and wordpress needs that to live1.
But here I am2. Maybe this pandemic is the perfect time to work on some of these different project ideas I’ve had. I mean, I’ve got so many unfinished game ideas and prototypes. Not to mention all of the ambient anxiety and chaos in the world right now means that: maybe it’s a good time to play around with some more of the techno-magick ideas that I’ve had. Or just magick in general?

Anyway, yeah. That’s pretty much all there is to it right now. We’re in the 5th month of March, and I don’t know if I feel fine or what. But I guess this is life now3.