A fully functional website

Oh boy, where to even begin. The site is up and operational, at least. And I can write posts from vim and deploy them, which was the goal. Or at least a goal. I’m still not sure what the goal is. But now it’s just on to bugfixes.

Some of the templates are poorly implemented, and I need to work on that. Mostly the CSS. But I don’t want to just copy the code wholesale, I want to make it mine. And while mine will certainly still be very heavily inspired by Gwern, I want to trim out some of the stuff I’m not using.

For example, I probably won’t include a dark-mode switcher: so I can remove the light-mode colors and selectors. And, while I want the site to be mobile and responsive, I’m also not building this with anyone else in mind. So I don’t really care if I cover 100% of the screen size use cases, or if I implement all of the robust media queries. Seriously: There’s queries that distinguish between two different screen sizes with only 50 pixels of difference between them.

However, I do, for exmaple, want to get code highlighting to work. And I haven’t even begun to consider LaTeX… And the source CSS also has some nifty “Permalink” icons and other little bits of text flavor that would really look great here.

So I guess it’s just going to be a long iterative process of finding elements that I can change and slowly working that CSS into the (already) massive file. Perhaps cleaning up some of it as I go and realize that I’m not using it.

But at least the site is up now, and in a place where I can at least begin to add content.